



Most TPA issues are out of stock for many years now. However, I feel that some material once published deserves to be made available to interested collectors and researchers. A selection of articles from old TPA issues, starting with issue 14. Converted into pdf-files, a format that is widely used for exchange of data, as software to read or print is available free of charge.

Article download

Each article bears an own TPA issue / article number (in blue). Just double click onto article number and a new window opens. Now you can either read, print or save the article on your computer. In  case something doesn’t work please contact me. Articles can be forwarded also by e-mail if you wish. Make sure to read the notice and technical information first. Thank you!

The Postcard Album

Articles from TPA #14 to #21

Contact address:

Please note: The articles come exactly as they were once found in old TPA issues. They might contain spelling mistakes as well as information that was corrected or updated at a later date.

‘Page’ stands for A4 format = 210 x 297 mm size. Illustrations are usually monochrome - b/w. File resolution is reduced to standard quality in order to keep file size as small as possible (some up to several MB’s). Make sure your browser can open pdf-file format.

Articles were not written all by myself. Please note that original authors are still holding all rights. Any material provided is for your own personal use only.

TPA 14 - 1:

TPA 14 - 2:

TPA 14 - 3:

TPA 14 - 4:

Colour Printing - The various modern processes (c. 1912) Part 1    (5 pages)

PPC Publishers from Egypt: Lichtenstern & Harari and The Cairo Postcard Trust     (3 pages)

Photographic Masterpieces on Picture Postcards. Darjeeling, India   By: Sally Fall, U.S.A.   (5 pages)

Emil Pinkau & Co., Leipzig By: Henk Voskuilen, The Netherlands    (4 pages)


TPA 15 - 1:

TPA 15 - 2:

TPA 15 - 3:

TPA 15 - 4:

TPA 15 - 5:

Postcard Collector Societies Research:   Information on ‘Globe/Globus’ / ‘Weltall’ / Jolly Jokers’ Club / ‘C.A. Concordia’ etc. (8 pages)

Colour Printing - The various modern processes (c. 1912) Part 2    (5 pages)

Coding of Emil Pinkau Cards - The Capital Letter Code 1913-26 By: George Webber, Guernsey    (2 pages)

C.G. Roeder, Leipzig, Saxony: News & Views     (4 pages)

Charles Weidner, San Francisco & Louis Glaser (ppc printer), Leipzig     (4 pages)

TPA 16 - 1:

TPA 16 - 2:

TPA 16 - 3:

TPA 16 - 4:

TPA 16 - 5:

TPA 16 - 6:

Bermuda’s Postcards  By: George Webber, Guernsey     (3 pages)

Emil Pinkau & Co., Leipzig. Patriotic WW1 Postcards     (2 pages)

Coding of Emil Pinkau Cards - Part 2. By: George Webber, Guernsey    (3 pages)

Photographic Masterpieces on Picture Postcards. Headhunters & Hula Girls.   By: Sally Fall, U.S.A.   (3 pages)

Colour Printing - The various modern processes (c. 1912) Part 3    (4 pages)

C.G. Roeder, Leipzig, Saxony: News & Finds     (3 pages)


TPA 17 - 1:

TPA 17 - 2:

TPA 17 - 3:

TPA 17 - 4:

TPA 17 - 5:

TPA 17 - 6:

Hildesheim and the upside down Sugar Loaf.     (3 pages)

Colour Printing - The various modern processes (c. 1912) Part 4    (4 pages)

Postcard printers & publishers from Frankfurt.    (4 pages)

The Knackstedt & Naether (Hamburg) File.   Part 1.   (4 pages)

C.G. Roeder, Leipzig, Saxony: News & Views. By G. Webber / the Editor   (3 pages)

“Did you ever met André Perlet from Paris?” (ppc postcard collector society topic) by Frans Bokelmann, The Netherlands      (2 pages)

TPA 18 - 1:

TPA 18 - 2:

TPA 18 - 3:

TPA 18 - 4:

TPA 18 - 5:

Otto Leder, Meissen / Dresden / Munich.    (6 pages)

The Knackstedt & Naether (Hamburg) File.   Part 2.   (3 pages)

Greetings from Wilhelmshaven. (4 pages)

Word War One: ‘Priesterwald’ battlefield.   (3 pages)

Colour Printing - The various modern processes (c. 1912) Part 5    (3 pages)


TPA 19 - 1:

TPA 19 - 2:

TPA 19 - 3:

TPA 19 - 4:

TPA 19 - 5:

TPA 19 - 6:

The Postcard Printer Carl Garte, Leipzig. (3 pages)

Junghanss & Koritzer, Meiningen - A typical German collotype printer (5 pages)

Collecting Opera Cards. By Liselotte Erlanger Glozer, USA    (3 pages)

C.G. Roeder, Leipzig.   Illustrated company history and research.   (3 pages)

Knackstedt & Naether in London. By G. Webber, Guernsey   (2 pages)

Knackstedt & Naether, Hamburg. File part 3. Latest research results. (4 pages)

TPA 20 - 1a:

TPA 20 - 1b:

TPA 20 - 1c:

TPA 24 - 1d:

TPA 20 - 2:

TPA 20 - 3:

TPA 20 - 4:

TPA 20 - 5:

C.G. Roeder Special:  By: George Webber, Guernsey & the Editor. The complete Roeder company story, dating Roeder card codes and more. (several files with a total of 14 pages)

Annie French “Glasgow Girl”. By Ken Harman, Great Britain    (2 pages)

Early Postcards of St. Helena (1900-1910)  Robert W. Richardson, USA    (3 pages)

World War One: “Propaganda Cards??”.      (2 pages)

“Censored”.  The difficulties of a topo card publisher (in this case Gebr. Metz, Tuebingen) in the late 1930’s- early 1940’s   (1 page)


TPA 21 - 1:

TPA 21 - 2:

TPA 21 - 3:

TPA 21 - 4:

TPA 21 - 5:

TPA 21 - 6:

TPA 21 - 7:

TPA 21 - 8:

The First Picture Postcard?. The often quoted case from Oldenburg. (2 pages)

M. Glueckstadt & Muenden, Hamburg. By Frans Bokelmann, Netherlands. (3 pages)

Glass & Tuscher, Leipzig. Company history and card codes.    (4 pages)

Knackstedt & Naether, Hamburg. Research File part 4.   (6 pages)

Osnabruecker Papierwaren-Fabrik, Berlin. Earliest OPF cards in England. By G. Webber, Guernsey   (1 page/more available)

“Novitas” from Berlin. By Adolf Kugler and the Editor. (2 pages)

“There was a young Man who lived in a Tree..”. By Alan Leonard, GB. (2 pages)

“Printing Mistakes and other Mishaps”. Problems of postcard production. (3 pages)

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