Company name:
Leipziger Ansichtskartenfabrik Paul Trabert, and later: Graphische Kunstanstalt Paul Trabert
Leipzig-Plagwitz, Erdmannstr. 10 (1907) – Leipzig-Schleussig, Sennestr. 24 and Könneritzstr. 43 (1925) – Steubenstr. 24 (1939)
In business from: 1901 until at least late 1960’s
Printer: yes Publisher: yes
Means of production / workforce: 4 collotype presses, 30 workers (1907) – 7 collotype, 4 litho presses, 44 workers (1913) – by 1921 with only 5 workers around – 2 offset, 3 litho, 2 collotype, 42 workers (1925) – 7 offset, 5 flatbed litho / 8 hand-litho presses, 2 letterpress and 12 embossing presses, 60 other machines, 150 workers (1928) – 5 offset, 1 flatbed litho / 8 hand-litho presses etc. but down to 30 workers (1933) – 3 offset, 2 embossing presses, 25 workers (1939) – 3 offset presses, 37 workers (1950)
Trademark(s): on their own g enre cards before 1945. Whether Trabert used a logo or his initials on contract printing is not known. Another Trabert logo is illustrated at bottom of page (Rome card).
Specialised in: contract collotype printer until end of WW1 with own publishing dept. “Art de Vienne” Reorganised in the early 1920’s and concentrated on packaging printing. Post-WW2 in label and poster printing.
Notes: Always run by members of the Trabert family. Offered printing of 1000 monochrome collotype postcards within 4 days in 1906. Many of their ‘Art de Vienne’ series cards are of excellent quality, well worth collecting. Printed (and published?) also Italian topo cards (see below).
Illustrations (from top):
P.T.L. card no. 2105, hand coloured, embossed, signature illegible, p/u 1911
P.T.L. card no. 549, hand-/stencel coloured, p/u 1916
P.T.L. card 537/4, machine-coloured Easter Greetings, p/u 1916
P.T.L. card 2178, Whitsun greetings, collotype with hand / stencil colouring, plate-sunk. Not p/u, post-1905 origin.
P.T.L. card 123, the figure ‘3’ added by hand. P/u 1913 in Austro-Hungaria, mailed to an address in Trieste. Caption on picture side reads ‘Buona Pasqua!’. Odd piece!
P.T.L. card ?83. First figure of series number hidden below (black ink) handwriting. Monochrome collotype printed, accurate hand-colouring. P/u in May 1912.
Roma - Il Pantheon. This find proves that Paul Trabert also printed (and published I believe) topographic cards. No local or regional publisher mentioned. Good quality collotype printing. View no. 96 mentioned in publisher line. Below I have illustrated a blown-up illustration of imprint because of the not often seen logo I trust to had been used by Trabert. This particular logo is not often seen. Occasionally without name, sometimes on picture side. The publisher H. Sting, Tuebingen, used a very similar looking logo.