Company name: S. & G. Saulsohn; run as a Ltd. Company from 1932
Address: Berlin: (1889) Barnimstr. 39; (1890) Meyerbeerstr. 17; (1891-1911) Kaiser Wilhelmstr. 19a; (1912 - 1928) Rosenstr. 9-13; (1929-1938) Neue Friedrichstr. 38-40
In business from: 1889 to c. 1938
Printer: no(*) Publisher: yes
Means of production / workforce: Unknown - big firm in postcards for a couple of years before WW1, and again in the mid-1920’s.
Pre-1919 cards show initials with or without the “diameter” sign (my interpretation) which is around in different forms. Often you see the latter only together with card number. Post-1920 cards usually show the circle with initials inside logo.

Specialised in:
Any type of greeting / subject cards incl. German royalty. Some local topo cards issued, too. Incl. wanted series from Berlin revolution days 1919.
Notes: Set up by Siegmund and Gustav Saulsohn in c. 1889. Paper- and stationery wholesaler, deLuxe paper manufacturer, Christmas decorations. (*) had letterpress printing for own use during 1892- c.1898. Greeting cards (postcards?) first mentioned in 1891. Started off as ppc publishers around 1900. From 1911 run by Gustav Saulsohn only. Business continued by his widow Paula from 1922 on. Dealt also with soap, had a separate paper wholesale business under diff. address for some years. Paula Saulsohn turns up as managing director of the Ltd. company for a couple of years only. Berlin 1939 addressbook lists not a single Saulsohn anymore!
Illustrations (from top):
German Crown Prince and Princess. Saulsohn card no. 2492 with diameter sign. Photo ‘Ill. Photo Verlag’, Berlin, 1913. Bromide photo printing by ‘Photochemie’, also from Berlin
’Waterfall’ - typical military humour. Chromolitho. Card no. 2552 /diameter. P/u as fieldpost 1916.
British P.O.W.’s at work. Series 504, card 5. Diameter logo. Collotype. P/u Jan. 1915.
Card no. 1504 with initials and diameter sign. Not p/u. Coloured halftone printing.
Card no. 967, initials + diameter. Message dated 1921. Lithography. Humorous type again.
Card no. 509 with ‘Circle’ logo. Birthday greetings, steel-engraved caption. Chromo. P/u June 1928.